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What Color to Paint the Wall With Beige Furniture in a Small Space

Leslie Rose

Beige furniture is very practical. It matches a variety of colors, it takes a while to show dirt and it has a timeless quality that makes it last for many years. Unfortunately, beige is so practical that it can also be somewhat dull.

For all the reasons already mentioned, many people have beige furniture in their house, and that makes it unremarkable. When beige furniture is placed in a small room, you have a recipe for a very dull, somewhat claustrophobic space. With the right coat of paint, you can push back the walls and simultaneously create a color scheme that introduces more exciting colors to the room.

Cool, Peaceful Colors

On the color wheel, the cool colors are blue, green and purple. These colors — particularly earthier shades of blue and green — will manage to contrast nicely with the warmth of the beige furniture without clashing. Lighter versions of these colors will push back the walls to open up the space and create an airy feeling. These colors are also known to provide a sensation of calm when used in interior design, so your room will feel earthy, natural and peaceful.

Bright Colors, White Trimmings

To create a more festive atmosphere, choose a bright color such as sky blue or deep, warm red. These colors will work in rooms that see a lot of natural daylight, which will prevent the colors from starting to seem dingy or dark. Keep the color scheme looking fresh and new by pairing it with white trim and white accessories such as lacy white curtains, white picture frames and white knickknacks.

Deep, Lush Browns

Burnt sienna is a rich, earthy reddish-brown. This warm color still will create a lush, intimate environment in your room, and it will match with your beige furniture perfectly. This color works best in a room with relatively large windows and a lot of natural daylight. To lighten the color scheme, paint the trim in a light khaki or even a cream color, and incorporate this color in other decorating elements in the room, such as the curtains.

What to Avoid

Harsh colors such as white and cream, while they match beige just fine, can make a small room start to feel like a doctor’s office waiting room. Beige and cream make such a bland combination that the room starts to feel undecorated and uncared-for. Try to avoid these colors at all costs — particularly white, which lacks the warmth of cream.