How to Tell If a Pork Roast is Done

Pork isn’t the other white meat, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). It is considered a red meat because of the amount of myoglobin (a protein) it contains. Unlike some other red meats, which can be served rare, pork must be cooked to 160 degrees F, according to the USDA, due to the possible Trichinella risk.

Insert a meat thermometer into the center of the roast. Do not let the thermometer touch a bone. Ideally, you want the tip of the thermometer to be in the center of the roast.

Remove the roast when the meat’s internal temperature reaches 160 degrees F. A four-pound roast may take one-and-three-quarters of an hour to two hours to cook.

Let the roast set for about 15 minutes after removing it from the oven and before carving. If the pork roast is done, the meat will be whitish, not pink.