Activities for Work Safety Day

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There should be at least one safety kit in every office

Work safety day is devoted to educating employees with the goal of cutting down on personal injuries and accidents on the job. Employers should plan activities to prepare employees for emergency situations and to prevent accidents from occurring. Activities can be in the form of seminars, discussions or games. The idea is to get employees actively involved in the process as they will be more likely to participate and learn if they are having fun.


Role Play

Video of the Day

Employees are rarely prepared for workplace accidents. Having them participate in role playing or mock incidents is a good way to prepare them for real emergencies. These scenarios should include such emergencies as fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters that result in personal injury. These activities tend to run more smoothly when employers allow their employees to have fun with each activity--a zombie infiltration or a Godzilla monster attack are great ways to get the staff interested.

Video of the Day

Emergency Preparedness Kit

A good activity for work safety day would be a seminar on what to include in an emergency preparedness kits. Employees should be told where emergency kits are located in the office and what items are enclosed. Fully stocked emergency kits can be purchased from the Red American Cross website.


Team Building

Team-building exercises are a great way to inspire interest in workplace safety. Since distraction are a major cause of accidents, teams of employees should be given simple tasks to complete, then distracted from those tasks. Tasks should be simple and non-physical, such as sorting different colored pens, shutting down a group of PCs, or delivering water to a group of people. While each group attempts to complete its tasks, the bosses should attempt to distract team members by issuing urgent commands, blaring loud music, having loud conversations or calling their cell phones. The goal of this exercise is to show how accidents and mishaps are more likely to occur when employees are distracted.

