Fun Things for When You Turn Seventy

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Seventy is a great age to start having fun.

If 40 is the new 30, then it seems to reason that 70 is the new 60 or even 55. With modern advancements in health, nutrition and exercise, people in their 70s are not only traveling and enjoying retirement, but actively enjoying activities such as dancing, hiking and even skiing. There are many fun things that 70-year-olds can do, although your health and fitness are considerations before you tackle some of the more strenuous activities.



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If you've never been to Italy but always wanted to go, don't let age stop you. Book a travel package tour for seniors and let everyone else look after the planning. Go with a spouse, friend or by yourself. Because you won't have to worry about making transportation or accommodation arrangements on a tour, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the sites of wherever you decide to go. People over 50 are in the majority on lifelong learning tours by the nonprofit organization Elderhostel and its Road Scholar program.


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Seniors have the skill and grace needed for ballroom dancing.

Head to your local community center to take line dancing lessons, the senior center to take ballroom, or even to your fitness club for a little salsa instruction. If you prefer, you can have fun dancing without even leaving your home. There are instructional DVDs developed for seniors that include fitness or dancing instruction -- although you might have more fun dancing in a group.


Go Skiing

Senior skiiers can take advantage of discounted or free lift tickets.

If you are physically fit and have your physician's approval, skiing at 70 has many advantages. Most downhill ski resorts offer discounted tickets for seniors and many even offer free lift tickets for seniors over the age of 70. If schussing -- fast skiing down a slope -- seems too ambitious for you, try your hand at cross-country skiing. You can choose your own pace and select locations based on whether you like the challenge of ups and downs, or prefer to ski on flatter terrain.


Get Fit

No matter what your present physical condition, there is some form of activity that you can engage in.

Even if you've never been a fan of exercise, it's never too late to get into better shape. Not only is exercise important to senior health, but it can improve your mood, reduce stress and give you more energy. No matter what your present physical condition, there is some form of activity that you can engage in to strengthen your muscles and improve your tone. In addition to being fun, if you frequent your local gym, YMCA, or senior center, chances are you will meet other people your age who are interested in the same things you are.


Walk or Hike

A great way to have fun while getting fit at the same time is by walking or hiking. Find a friend to join you for daily walks, or join a hiking group at a nearby nature preserve. Many preserves offer shorter moderate hikes during the week so you can enjoy the beauty of nature while staying in shape.


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