Fifty-year class reunions are an opportunity for old classmates to get together and reminisce about the past and share stories about themselves. If you are attending a 50-year class reunion, chances are, you have already or are nearing retirement. As such, you will have plenty to share about your life, travels, family and work as you consider things you will say.
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If you are attending a 50-year class reunion, telling others about your family will be a great way to relate to your peers. Since you are likely to have adult children at this age, share stories about what your children are doing now. If you have grandchildren, share that experience with your peers as well. You may also talk about your spouse and how it has been being married for a number of years. If you are single or divorced, talk about your experience dating.
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If you have retired, discuss your achievements in the workforce with your peers. You may find that you have more in common with them than you previously thought. Also, it will be interesting to see what career path the former high school football star took, so open up about your own experiences to learn information about others as well. If you are still working, share what it is you like about your job and what your plans after retirement are.
After 50 years, you may have picked up a hobby or become interested in different things. Share these with your former classmates. Perhaps you attend every baseball game in your hometown or maybe you like to jog three miles a day. No matter what it is, share what it is you are interested in with your peers. You may be surprised what interesting hobbies they have taken up over the years as well.
You may have traveled to interesting places over the past five decades. If so, share your experiences with your peers. Tell them where you went and what you saw. You may also tell them your future plans to travel after retirement as well. Consider bringing photographs of your favorite trip to show your classmates, too. Your class reunion may even be an opportunity to arrange a trip with an old flame or former friend as well.