How to Take Apart Pre-Lit Trees

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Pre-lit artificial Christmas trees offer the ease of quick decoration while still imparting that "holiday feel." It can also feel good knowing you're not chopping down a living Christmas tree, only to toss it out it after the holidays. As an added bonus, these trees often come fitted with LED Christmas lights, which use electricity more efficiently than standard lightbulbs. Most pre-lit trees come in two or three sections that need to be fitted together, and, at the end of the season, they should be taken apart and stored in a cool, dry and clean area.


Prepare to take down your pre-lit tree

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Clear a large open area to work in. Unplug the pre-lit tree and move it away from the wall and any fragile items. If it's heavy or cumbersome, you might need to have a friend or family member help you.

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Disassemble the top of your pre-lit tree

Most pre-lit trees will have three sections, and the top section should be small and light. Remove the top section by twisting back and forth slightly to loosen the connection. There may be small light connectors between each section of the tree. Unplug these after you've loosened the top section of the tree. Place the top section in the storage box or storage container that you plan to use.


Disassemble the middle of your pre-lit tree

Remove the middle section of the tree, if applicable. Once again, twist back and forth slightly to loosen the two segments of the tree and unplug any connected light cables. If it's a larger tree and difficult to separate, ask a friend or family member to help you.


Store your pre-lit Christmas tree

Place all the pieces of the pre-lit tree in an airtight container where water, dust and animals can't tamper with the electric lights.


Follow your pre-lit Christmas tree owner's manual for tips on assembling and disassembling your pre-lit tree. The manual should also have tips for troubleshooting any problems you may have with the lights, as well as details about your warranty.

Store your tree in a safe area with your other holiday decorations until it's time to celebrate the holidays next year!
