How to Make a Pillow From Latch Hook Canvas

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Making a pillow from a latch hook canvas project requires only a piece of furniture fabric to match your project and a few lines of simple sewing, which can be done by hand but is much quicker on a sewing machine.

Things You'll Need

  • finished latch hook project

  • two pieces of furniture fabric larger by 2 inches than the latch hook

  • pins

  • scissors

  • tape measure

  • pillow or stuffing

  • optional buttons or ribbons

  • sewing machine

Step 1: Measure the Finished Latch Hook Canvas

Lay the project out flat and use the tape measure to measure the length and width of the finished project. Add 2 inches to the width measurement. This is the measurement you will use to cut the width of the pillow fabric. Determine three-fourths of the measurement of the length. This will be the measurement you will use to cut the length of the pillow fabric.


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Step 2: Cut Two Pieces of Fabric

Cut two pieces of fabric with the length and width measurements determined in Step 1. The reason that the finished length is three-fourths of the project length is that you are creating an overlapping envelope with the two pieces.

Step 3: Finish Raw Edges

Fold over two times the overlapping width edge of both pieces of fabric. Folding once brings the raw edge to the wrong side of the fabric and folding it a second time makes the raw edge disappear. Make each fold approximately 1/4-inch and pin down. Use a running stitch on the sewing machine to sew down this fold, removing the pins as you go. Iron.

Step 4: Trim the Latch Hook Canvas

Turn the latch hook canvas upside down on the work space and carefully trim the edges leaving four rows of blank canvas between the last knot you made and the cut edge. Trim all the way around. Be sure to trim off any selvedge edge as it is to thick to run through the sewing machine.

Step 5: Place Fabric Pieces on Top of Canvas

Turn latch hook canvas right side up. Place one of the fabric pieces on top with the right side facing the latch hook and the one still raw edge lined up with the outside edge of the canvas. Take the second piece of fabric and do the same exact thing from the other side. The two pieces of fabric will overlap.


Step 6: Pin the Two Panels Together

Now that the two panels are lined up, pin them to each other along the length of the fabric in preparation to sew a seam. No need to fold edges; this is simply a running stitch down the side to hold the two pieces together and in shape. Now you have one piece that makes up the pillow.

Step 7: Sew Pillow Piece to Canvas

Make sure the two pieces are right sides together. Do not pin because you will have to make sure that no yarn gets sewn into the seam. This is done by running your hand between the two pieces before you sew each part. Keep the canvas piece facing up to enable a good view and ensure that the seam is going in the right place and the yarn is not being sewn over. Use a zigzag stitch: this will allow you to catch the knot and the canvas. Go slowly so you can stop periodically to move the long end of the yarn out of the way. Keep the canvas and the fabric lined up. Stitch all four sides.



In sewing the canvas and the pillow together, make sure your stitch goes into the knot of the yarn, but not the loose end of the yarn -- those pieces have to be tucked inside as you go along.

Step 8: Trim the Edges and Sew Again

Now the two pieces are attached on all four sides. Use scissors to trim the edge to about 1/2-inch. Zigzag stitch all the way around the outside edge to overlock the seam. This way the fabric won't fray along the edge.

Step 9: Turn Pillow Right Side Out

Turn the pillow right side out using your hand to push into the corners and bring the whole piece into shape.


Step 10: Finish the Pillow

If you have a pre-made and sized pillow, simply push it inside between the open part of the envelope and fluff it up. Otherwise fill the open space with filling until it reaches the desired loft. A nice touch at this point is to close the flap with decorative buttons or sewn on ribbon. Just thread a needle and sew on by hand. No need for buttonholes; just sew through both panels.


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