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How to Build a Trampoline Ladder

Clayton Kim

Unless you are LeBron James or Michael Jordan, you need to climb to get on the top of a trampoline. Most trampolines have a top surface area that is over 3 feet above the ground. Instead of wasting all your energy before you start jumping, build a step ladder to access your trampoline.

Step ladders constructed out of wood cost less than $10 to make. Save your money and energy on more pressing things in life.

  1. Measure the height of the trampoline using a tape measure. Measure from the top frame to the ground. For example, if the height of the trampoline is 3 feet, add 6 inches to the actual height of the trampoline to adjust for the tilt of the ladder. In this case the ladder height is 42 inches.

  2. Cut two 2-by-4 wood planks to a length of 42 inches using a table saw. The two planks are the side supports of the ladder. Cut two 2-by-4 wood planks to a length of 18 inches using a table saw. The two planks are the steps of the ladder.

  3. Measure and make mark both 1 and 2 feet from the end of the side supports using a ruler and pencil. The markings are where the steps will be placed.

  4. Position an “L” bracket at the 1-foot marking of the left side support and make a dot in the screw holes of the “L” bracket. Position another “L” bracket at the 2-foot marking of the left side support and make a dot in the screw holes of the “L” bracket. Use a pencil. Repeat for the right side support.

  5. Drill one-quarter-inch pilot holes into the dots using a power drill and a one-quarter-inch drill bit. Drill 1-inch into the side supports. Place the “L” brackets on the side supports and line the pilot holes with the screw holes. Screw three-eighths-inch screws with a 1-inch length into each of the holes to secure the “L” brackets. The top halves of the “L” brackets should make a 90-degree angle with the markings on the side supports.

  6. Position the side supports vertically next to each other. The side supports should be parallel with each other. Place the steps horizontally between the side supports and over the top halves of the “L” brackets. Make a dot in the screw holes of the “L” bracket onto the bottom side of the steps. Use a pencil.

  7. Drill one-quarter-inch pilot holes into the dots, using a power drill and one-quarter-inch drill bit. Drill 1-inch into the steps. Line the screw holes of the top halves of the “L” brackets with the pilot holes in the bottom side of the steps. Screw three-eighth-inch screws with a 1-inch length into each of the holes to secure the “L” brackets to the steps.

  8. Drill one-quarter-inch pilot holes with a 4-inch length through the sides of the side supports into the ends of the steps. Drill three-eighths-inch wood screws with 4-inch lengths into the pilot holes to secure the steps to the side supports.

  9. Secure the bottom of the ladder on a level surface and tilt the top on the ladder onto the frame of the trampoline.

  10. Tip

    One person should always hold the ladder to support it while the other person is climbing the ladder.


    Wear safety gloves, goggles and mask when handling a table saw and power drill.