Jell-O Shot Specimen Cups Tutorial

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If you feel the urge to serve a Halloween cocktail with equal parts ick factor and delicious flavor, these Jell-O shots in specimen cups definitely fit the bill. We're sharing (er, leaking) the secret ingredient that adds that perfectly authentic tinge of orange that is guaranteed to creep out your guests.


Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Video of the Day

Things You'll Need

  • Lemon gelatin, 1 package

  • Mango or orange gelatin, 1 package

  • 2 cups vodka (optional)

  • Specimen cups

  • Specimen cup labels

Step 1

In a mixing bowl, mix together 2 cups of boiling water with one packet of lemon gelatin. To add a slight orange tinge, mix in 2 tablespoons of mango gelatin. If you want to spike it with alcohol, mix in 2 cups of vodka (or 2 cups of cold water for a non-alcoholic version).


Video of the Day

Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 2

Pour the mixture into sterilized specimen cups, filling each cup about 3/4 full. Place the lids on the cups and chill in the refrigerator until the gelatin is set.


Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse

Step 3

Don't forget to add a label to each cup for that extra authentic touch, and get creative with the names!


For example: Dr. Kay Davver, Al B. Rightback, Izzy Gone, Mayra Mains, C.U. Soon, Yul B. Next

Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse
Image Credit: Trisha Sprouse
