Birthday Gifts for a 55-Year-Old Woman

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Any birthday calls for a celebration and a great gift.
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Women in their mid-50s tend to lead very busy lives. Some women may be working full time while taking care of elderly parents. Others may be raising teenagers or perhaps enjoying the freedom of an empty nest when adult children leave the home. Depending on the things that are going on in her life, there are many different gift ideas she may like.


Gifts for Her Hobby

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Plants for her garden and other items may make good gifts.
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Some women at this age enjoy hobbies such as scrapbooking or gardening. Give her a gift that is associated with this hobby. For example, if she is an avid scrapbooker, give her scrapbooking supplies such as specialty paper, stamps, stickers, die cuts or photo albums. Arrange the supplies in a scrapbook tote or organizer. If gardening is her hobby of choice, give her a gift basket that contains garden seeds of her favorite flowers, gardening gloves, fingernail brush and small hand tools.

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Shopping Spree

Take her on a shopping spree.
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Give her a gift certificate to her favorite clothing store so she can enjoy a bit of free time shopping. A gift certificate allows her to choose clothing that suits her sense of style and that makes her feel good about herself. She will get the chance to try on clothing until she finds something that she loves.


Gifts to Pamper Her

Treat her to a day at the spa.
Image Credit: Marili Forastieri/Lifesize/Getty Images

A women in her 50s is usually on the go. She may appreciate a gift that pampers her when she gets the chance to slow down from her busy life. Consider giving her plush spa slippers and a robe in her favorite color. Or give her a spa and gift set with items such as bath salts, aromatherapy oils and body lotions. These gift choices will encourage her to indulge and relax in her free time.


Night on the Town

Spend a night having an elegant dinner or a night on the town.
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If the love of your life is turning 55, spend a night romancing her with an elegant dinner and a night on the town. Get all dressed up and make reservations at an expensive restaurant. Make a toast at dinner and reassure her that the best is yet to come. She will enjoy the special treatment on her birthday.

