How to Make a Non-Perishable Food Basket

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Things You'll Need

  • Canned foods

  • Self-adhesive gift bows

  • Basket

  • Manual can opener

  • Plastic gift basket wrap

  • Ribbon

  • Scissors

  • Hair dryer

  • Newspaper

  • Packing box

  • Packing tape

Baskets filled with non-perishable foods can be a group charity project for the needy.

Do not send someone a food basket only to have the food crushed or spoiled when the recipient opens it. Non-perishable food baskets are a way to send foods without risking them becoming ruined in shipping or storage. Using non-perishable items is especially important for sending baskets overseas or to those who will not immediately use all of the foods inside. Like other gift baskets, non-perishable food baskets must also look presentable and decorative. Seamlessly blend staying power of the food with a decorative appearance for the greatest success.


Step 1

Place a self-adhesive gift bow on top of each can of food. This will make the cans easier to see in the basket and add a special touch.

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Step 2

Fill the basket with canned foods. Put taller cans in the back and shorter cans in the front.

Step 3

Turn all of the cans so the front of the labels can be seen from the front of the basket.

Step 4

Insert a manual can opener in between the cans at the front of the gift basket.

Step 5

Set the entire basket in the center of a sheet of plastic gift basket wrap.


Step 6

Bring the sides of the plastic wrap up and around the basket to meet at the top of the center of the handle.

Step 7

Tie the plastic wrap closed with a ribbon. Trim excess plastic of the top with scissors.


Step 8

Direct a hair dryer on low heat over the plastic on the basket to shrink the plastic and create a tighter seal on the basket.

Step 9

Fill the bottom third of a packing box with crumpled newspaper.


Step 10

Set the wrapped gift basket gently on top of the newspaper.

Step 11

Crumple more newspaper to pack around the sides and top of the gift basket.

Step 12

Seal the box with packing tape and send it to a lucky person.


Look for gift basket plastic wrap at craft stores. This plastic is designed to tighten when heated instead of melt. Do not substitute plastic food cling wrap as that will melt from the hair dryer. Make a gourmet gift basket by using canned smoked oysters, canned lobster or canned ham. Prepare a gift basket for the needy with essential foods like dried beans, uncooked rice, canned vegetables, canned soups and canned stews.


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