Reunion Program Ideas

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Class reunions are a fun way to revisit the past.

Have you signed up for a high school class reunion committee and need ideas? A reunion should be like a time machine, taking you back to your coming-of-age years and the friends and acquaintances who shared those years with you. Whether it's your class's fifth reunion or 50th reunion, there are ways to ensure that the event will be fun, festive, and memorable.


Meeting Place

Video of the Day

Choose a place that will bring back memories for you and your classmates. A restaurant that once served as a favored hangout spot would do nicely. Ideally, the restaurant should have a buffet, so that mingling will be easier.

Video of the Day

Name Tags

Depending on how long it's been since graduation, people might need help putting faces with names. Name tags can solve this problem. For added fun, design the name tags to display people's senior class pictures as well.



Have a theme that centers around the year or decade you were in high school. For example, if you graduated in 1986, your class reunion could have an '80s theme, complete with decorations that evoke popular culture and current events from that time period.



Choose songs that were popular during your high school days. A band or a DJ is best, but you could also use CDs or MP3 players packed with favorite songs from the good ol' days.



You'll need high school banners, along with pictures of your mascot. Balloons and streamers are good choices, since they're reminiscent of Prom Night. Be sure and use your school colors. If they're blue and gold, for example, then use blue and gold for everything from your decorations to your napkins and table centerpieces.



Post Top 10 lists on the walls: Top 10 songs, Top 10 movies, and Top 10 TV shows, all from your graduation year. If you can find them, blow up covers of magazines from your high school days and post them on the walls as well.

