Hosting a baby shower or "welcome home" celebration after the baby is born allows everyone to shower the new parents and baby with gifts, as well as see the new little bundle of joy. Because the guests will undoubtedly be preoccupied with the baby, typical baby shower games may not be ideal. Instead, opt for a few low-key games that allow guests to visit with the baby, the new mommy, each other and still participate in some shower activities.
Draw the Baby
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The mother or father should hold the baby where all of the guests can see him clearly. Each guest will get 30 seconds to a minute to draw the baby. When the time stops, guests will pass the picture to the person on their right. They will have another 30 seconds to a minute to work on the picture. Repeat the process until at least five guests have contributed to each picture. The pictures can be stick figures or abstract images, they don't have to be artistic in nature. These should make interesting and fun keepsakes for the baby when he grows up.
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Baby's Name Game

Print out papers with the baby's name going down the left side in a vertical fashion. Use an attractive font. Ask each guest to make a poem out of the baby's name or write a piece of advice or wish for the baby beginning with the letters of her name. For example, "Abbie" might start out with "Always know that you're loved," "Be respectful to those around you," "Be the best person you can" and so forth.
Hand Prints and Foot Prints

Print out multiple copies of the baby's hand and foot prints. Cut them out and ask guests to write a loving message or wish on the hand prints and a piece of advice on the foot prints. Have them sign their names and put them away to give to the baby at a certain age or point in his life.
Baby Sock Game

Gather about 10 pairs of baby socks and mix them up. Put them in a pile in the center of the table or floor and time guests to see who can match up the socks (correctly) the fastest. This will likely amuse guests and leave the parents with some much needed baby socks.
Diaper Bag Game

Fill a diaper bag with all of the things the parents will likely need to carry with them when they take the baby out. This can also serve as a gift for the parents after the game is over. Ask guests to write down everything they think is in the bag. Include diapers, wipes, a pacifier, bottles, toys, change of clothes, disposable camera and anything else you can think of. Whoever guesses the most items should win a prize.
Baby Card Game

Assign a number to each guest randomly. There should be however many numbers as guests. For example, if there are 16 guests, they'll randomly get a number between 1 and 16. Ask each guest to design a birthday card and write a message for that birthday. Save them to give to the child on the corresponding birthday.
ABC Book

Assign one or two letters to each guest to make the baby's first ABC book. They should draw a picture of something that begins with their letter, such as an apple for "A" and write the word or a short sentence if they wish. Have guests sign their pictures, then bind them in a book as a keepsake for the baby.