Ideas for Organizing a 50th Church Anniversary

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A church's anniversary is a reason to celebrate.

When a church celebrates its 50th anniversary, there are many things to consider. The theme of the party should be chosen, a committee to organize the event should be selected and a budget should be outlined. Consider the size of the congregation, spiritual elements and demographic of the members when planning the festivities. Regardless of the type of celebration you choose, enlist the help of willing volunteers to help make the special event memorable.


Fifties Theme Party

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Celebrate your church's 50th anniversary by organizing a 1950s theme party. Put together a program that is comprised of skits, flashbacks to old photos and music from the 1950s era. Clothing, decor and food should all be in-line with the theme. Advertising the event well in advance will generate excitement and encourage congregation participation. The community can also be invited to celebrate the church as a part of their shared history.

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Historical Celebration

As a 50th anniversary typically centers around history, so celebrating an historical event is appropriate. Focus on the life of the church and the founding members of the congregation, offering a tribute through slide shows, video, music and other creative means. Set up various booths and displays in the church, with old photos and antiques made to look like an historical museum. Members of the congregation can wander through the displays and literally walk through the history of the church. Plan a large banquet, and allow any living founders to give speeches and be honored. You can also make up a church history book to distribute to the congregation members. Including influential community members in the event can add an inclusive touch.


Anniversary Carnival

Orchestrate a carnival to celebrate your church's 50th. Plan a casual barbecue and outdoor recreational activities for church members. Set up tents featuring a look at your church through the years. Include a historical tent, a present-day tent and a future-vision tent. Organize games and bounce castles for the kids and set up a stage area to present entertainment and special addresses by the leadership. This is a fun way to bring the congregation together, while opening the door to including the greater community as well.


Church Picnic/Dinner

Plan a church picnic or festive dinner for a fulfilling way to commemorate a 50th anniversary. An all-day church picnic, with games, relay races and family activities, brings the church members together in a relaxed manner. Book a local campground or park to house the event. End the day with entertainment, special guests and a large bonfire. If planning a festive dinner, book a classy facility and make it a black-tie event. Design professional invitations and organize a sophisticated after-dinner party to mark the occasion.

