How Do I Change a Pass Code on Monitronics Home Alarm?

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Monitronics is a an emergency system monitoring company. It does not install security systems into homes, according to a Monitronics customer service agent. It does not provide equipment to installers; it simply monitors and contacts local authorities if an alarm goes off. The company utilizes passwords in the event of an accidental alarm. If the alarm goes off when it shouldn't, you must call Monitronics and provide a pre-determined password to cancel the alarm. If you plan to change your passcode, you must know the old pass code or else Monitronics will not change it.


Step 1

Contact Monitronics at 800-447-9239. A customer service representative will answer the phone and greet you.

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Step 2

Tell the customer service representative that you need to change your pass code.

Step 3

Provide the representative with the information he asks for. He will ask for your address, phone number, name and current pass code.

Step 4

Provide the representative with your new pass code.

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