How to Plan a Thanksgiving Meal for 30 People

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Throughout the U.S., the Thanksgiving holiday is a time for family and friends to gather together and share a meal. If you're a host of the event, preparation for the big day requires some degree of effort to make it an enjoyable occasion for everyone. Planning a Thanksgiving meal for about 30 people requires coordination to make sure things run smoothly. Before you even begin cooking, there are several factors to consider so that your Thanksgiving event is filled with fun, food and laughter.


Choose a location

Video of the Day

Pick the location for your Thanksgiving meal. Consider if your home will comfortably accommodate 30 people or if you should consider another place that would be ideal for a meal.


Count the attendees

Count the number of children and adults. Having an idea of who is on your guest list of 30 people may be easy if you're planning the meal for family and friends. Getting an idea of who is coming and the ages will help you to determine table settings, music and what type of foods to serve.

Create a menu and grocery list

Create a menu and grocery list with the favorite dishes of the guests in mind. If you can, poll the invited guests in advance to find out their Thanksgiving favorites. This will help you to determine what and how much to cook.


Select activities and music

Select activities and music that are appropriate for the guests that will be attending. If your list includes games, make sure that you have games or the supplies needed. You can always ask if someone is willing to bring the games and music.

Check out this related video from ExpertVillage on Youtube

