How to Troubleshoot a 247 Singer Sewing Machine

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Things You'll Need

  • Canned air

  • Grease remover

  • Dental floss

  • Sewing machine oil

  • Singer 247 owner's manual

Singer 247 is also referred to as Singer 247 Zigzag.

Singer 247, a vintage Singer sewing machine, was first manufactured in the 1970s. Measuring a little more than 14 inches long and 8 inches high, it's compact, user-friendly and capable of stitching straight or zigzag stitches. As with any sewing machine there are times when you'll need to troubleshoot to keep your sewing machine operating. Unlike many vintage Singer sewing machines, Singer 247's mechanical parts are made of metal and plastic, making repairs likely.


Step 1

Check common issues by localizing the problem and reviewing the owner's manual. If the machine will not operate check to make sure it's plugged in. Make sure the foot pedal is fully inserted into the machine. If the issue relates to stitching, check the threading mechanism. Thread the machine correctly and insert a sharp needle. Wind the bobbin correctly and remove any lose thread from the bobbin area. Clean the feed dogs. The Singer 247 contains a pressure dial to ensure fabric feeds correctly. In general, the heavier the fabric the more pressure is required. Check the pressure and adjust it accordingly.

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Step 2

Check the machine for built up sewing machine oil and dirt. Sewing machines require regular cleaning. Through normal use, or lack of care, oil mixes with dust and thickens inside and under the machine, causing it to operate sluggishly and eventually stop working. Clean the machine by spraying grease remover on the main gears to melt away grime. Run dental floss through the thread tension mechanism to remove lint. Blow out and re-oil the machine.


Step 3

Remove the arm top cover and check the under bed of the machine for cracked parts and worn belts. Singer 247's inner and lower mechanical parts are made of metal and plastic. The main internal mechanism is the stitch pattern cam, which regulates the zigzag stitch. The plastic parts are prone to crack and require replacement. Move the dials of the needle position and lever knob to ensure they're moving through each position smoothly. Tighten any loose screws. Purchase replacement parts and belts from Singer or a sewing machine parts store.


Step 4

Adjust the belt tension. There's a belt located on the hand wheel of the Singer 247. To prevent the belt from slipping the belt's tension must be strong. Turn the bracket screw a full turn to loosen the bracket. Increase belt tension by lowering the bracket. Decrease belt tension by raising the bracket.


Step 5

Check for electrical and motor issues. The cords may have shorts. The motor of the Singer 247 is encased externally on the back of the machine and may require adjustment or timing. If you're not qualified to handle electrical or mechanical issues, contact a qualified technician for assistance.


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