Things You'll Need
Measuring tape
Fabric pins
Sewing machine
Peach sewing thread
Peach-colored fabric
Lining fabric
Upholstery foam
Hot glue gun
Pillow stuffing
Green felt

Creating your own cute and healthy peach fruit costume is a great way to share your love of fruit and save some money when you need to wear a costume. You could even use the same pattern with some alterations to create other fruit costumes, such as apples and oranges. Peach costumes for adults retail for as much as $100 as of December 2010, but with a little preparation and effort, you can design and sew your own for just the cost of materials.
Design Your Peach Costume
Step 1
Take the measurements of the person who will be wearing the costume, particularly around the neck, arms, torso and hips. Measure the torso length as well so that the costume will be long enough.
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Step 2
Draw a pattern, using the pencil and newspaper. To create the circle, use segments similar in shape to orange wedges, with the ends tapered and the middle wide. Draw six identical segments that will piece together to form a sphere. Make sure to leave a 1/2 to 1-inch space around the edges for the seams and to account for the head and hips of the person who will be wearing the costume.
Step 3
Cut out the pattern, using scissors. This pattern will be used to form the fabric segments and the stuffing to make the costume puffy.
Create the Fabric Shell
Step 1
Pin the paper pattern to the peach fabric. Use a fabric that isn't easy to see through or double up layers so that the fabric is completely opaque.
Step 2
Cut out the segments of fabric, using scissors, being careful to leave the 1/2 to 1-inch space to allow for the seam.
Step 3
Pin the fabric segments together in twos so that you have three two-segment pieces. Sew along the seam line with the sewing machine. Use a thread that matches the fabric to make sure the seams blend in.
Step 4
Pin and sew the three two-segment pieces together with the wrong side out. Sew a small hem at the top and the bottom to prevent fraying and then flip the fabric shell right-side out.
Step 5
Cut and hem two arm holes that correspond with where the arms will come out of the foam shell.
Create the Inner Foam Shell
Step 1
Cut out segments of upholstery foam, using the pattern you made, ignoring the seam allowance. Bevel the edges of the foam at a 30-degree angle so that they will fit together to form a sphere.
Step 2
Glue the segments together in twos with the hot glue gun. Do this in sections, starting in the middle and holding for two minutes to make sure the section is secure before gluing the next section.
Step 3
Glue each of the two-segment pieces together using the same technique as before.
Step 4
Cut out two arm holes that correspond with the arm holes from the fabric shell.
Step 5
Slip the fabric shell over the foam shell and secure along the edges with hot glue.
Step 1
Use some of the remaining peach fabric to create a small hat. Double up the fabric if necessary and cut out four half-circles.
Step 2
Sew the half circles together in twos along the curved edge and sew the two sewn hat pieces together with the wrong side out, leaving a space for stuffing to fit through.
Step 3
Flip the fabric right-side out and slip some stuffing through the hole, making sure to spread it out throughout the hat.
Step 4
Sew the seam shut and sew lines through the hat to secure the stuffing.
Step 5
Cut one small and one large leaf from the green felt. Sew the small one to the hat and the large one to the main costume.
Wear green leggings and a long-sleeved green shirt underneath the costume for a finished look.
Double check all your measurements to make sure the costume fits properly.
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