Things You'll Need
Clothesline rope
Newborn or size 1 diapers
Large baby items (blankets, towels and sleepers, for example)
Small baby items (onesies, bibs and hats, for example)
A baby clothesline is an adorable decoration or gift for an indoor or outdoor baby shower, strewn with a multitude of useful baby items for the new mother. You can hang a clothesline in the party room and fill it with new clothes for the mother to take home at the end of the event. Alternatively, inform guests that you will have a large clothesline at the baby shower and ask them to contribute a single item for the mother-to-be, for a gift from everyone.
Step 1
Attach the ends of a clothesline to hooks in the wall or tie the ends around two trees or gazebo legs.
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Step 2
Arrange the largest items on the clothesline. Fold two or three baby blankets in half and attach them to the clothesline with clothespins. You can also hang baby bath towels and receiving blankets when making a large clothesline.
Step 3
Use clothespins to attach dresses, sleepers and sweaters to the clothesline. Keep the items spaced at least 4 to 6 inches apart.
Step 4
Arrange the small items on the clothesline in some of the 4- to 6-inch gaps in between the large items. Use the clothespins to attach onesies and T-shirts.
Step 5
Fill in the remaining gaps with accessories, such as baby hats, bibs and booties.
Instead of filling the clothesline with baby items before the event, make a baby shower sign, hang it on the lone and leave the rest empty. As the mother-to-be opens her gifts, pin each item to the clothesline. After all of the gifts have been opened, take a few pictures for the guest of honor to bring home as a keepsake.
You can also bring a baby clothesline gift to a new mother at a baby shower. Fill a clothesline with your baby clothing offerings and then coil the clothesline into a large gift box. At the shower, grab onto one end of the clothesline and pull it across the room to display the clothesline gift for the mother-to-be.
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