How to Keep Chiffon From Fraying Without Sewing

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Chiffon is a delicate fabric with loose weave that frays easily. You'll find that the more you work with and handle chiffon, the more it frays. While sewing the edge is one way to prevent fraying, there are other methods you can use if sewing is not an option.

Method 1: Paint the Edge

Materials and Tools

  • Sharp scissors
  • Clear acrylic paint
  • Paintbrush


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  1. Trim any existing frays with sharp scissors.
  2. Dip the paintbrush into clear acrylic paint. Apply the paint to the edge of the chiffon to seal it.
  3. Allow it to dry.

Method 2: Apply No-Fray Products

Materials and Tools

  • Sharp scissors
  • No-fray product (available in the sewing section of the craft store)
  1. Trim any existing frays with sharp scissors.

  2. Squeeze a small amount of no-fray product onto the edge of the chiffon, spreading it evenly.

  3. Once you have covered the entire edge, allow it to dry.

No-fray products will diminish after a few washes. If you'll be laundering your chiffon frequently, hand wash it to extend the life of the no-fray product.



No-fray products will diminish after a few washes. If you'll be laundering your chiffon frequently, hand wash it to extend the life of the no-fray product.

Method 3: Cut the Edge

Materials and Tools

  • Sharp scissors
  • Pinking shears
  1. Trim any existing frays with sharp scissors.
  2. Using pinking shears, cut along the edge of the chiffon.

