DIY Washable Shopping Cart Handle Cover

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When the time comes to venture out and stock up on essential groceries, there are a few things you can do to keep yourself safe. In addition to social distancing, wearing a mask and having a list to reduce your time in the store, attach a washable handle cover to give yourself one more line of defense. Keep it in a plastic zipper bag until you're ready to use it. After sanitizing the handle with a disinfecting wipe, attach the cover. When you're finished shopping, just fold the cover up and put it back in the bag. Throw it in the wash when you get home and your handle cover will be all ready for the next time you need to head to the store.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

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Things You'll Need

  • Two 5 3/4-inch x 15-inch pieces of fabric

  • Pins

  • Sharp scissors

  • One 14-inch piece of hook and loop fastener

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 1

Put the right sides of the fabric together and pin in place. Sew around all the edges, leaving a 5-inch opening in one of the long sides. Be sure to remove the pins as you sew.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 2

Clip the corners. Turn right side out through the opening. Use a pencil or a chopstick to push out the corners.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 3

Press all the edges for a nice crisp finish. Tuck in the raw edges of the opening and press. Continue pressing all the edges for a nice crisp finish. Pin the opening closed.



Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 4

Topstitch around all the edges. Be sure to remove the pins as you sew.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 5

Place one half of the hook and loop fastener on the long edge of the fabric next to the topstitching line. Pin in place. Turn over and place the other half of the hook and loop fastener on the other long edge next to the topstitching line. Pin in place. The fasteners will be on opposite sides and opposite edges.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 6

Sew around all four sides of the hook and loop fastener. Turn over and sew around all four sides of the other hook and loop fastener.



Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Now, after cleaning with a disinfecting wipe, wrap the cover around the grocery cart handle for an extra layer of protection while you shop!


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
