Hitachi Bread Machine Instructions

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Bread machines make fresh, homemade bread simple and quick. If you have lost your Hitachi bread machine instructions, follow these instructions to make delicious fresh bread in your bread machine. You can also use your Hitachi bread machine to make cinnamon roll or pizza dough, or to prepare bread dough to bake in loaves in your oven.


Parts and Settings

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Your Hitachi bread machine includes the machine itself, the bread pan and the dough hook or mixing blade. Before making bread in your Hitachi bread machine, be sure to wash the pan and mixing hook with soap and water. Dry well. There are several settings on your Hitachi bread machine. These include a basic bread setting, a rapid setting, a dough setting and a mix-in bread setting. You can also choose a light or dark crust. A timer is available; however, it can only be used with the basic bread setting. The lock feature allows you to prevent the bread machine from accidentally being turned off and makes sure that your bread bakes properly. Depending upon the recipe you choose, you can make a small, medium or large loaf of bread in your bread machine using the same basic instructions.

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Basic Bread Making

Make a large loaf of basic and delicious white bread by pouring 1 1/8 cup of lukewarm water into your bread machine pan. Add the dry ingredients on top of the water in the pan. You will need 3 cups of bread flour, 1 1/2 tsp. salt, 3 tbsp. sugar and 1 1/2 tbsp. nonfat dry milk powder. Cut 1 1/2 tbsp. butter into small chunks and place on top of the dry ingredients. Finally, add 1 1/2 tsp. dry yeast on top of the other ingredients. Place the loaf pan into the machine, setting it securely into place. Set the machine to the basic bread setting and your preferred loaf darkness. Lock the machine and wait. In just over 4 hours, you will have fresh, delicious bread.


Other Options

You can use any recipe to make bread in your Hitachi bread machine. Keep in mind that approximately 3 cups of flour is the maximum amount the Hitachi bread machine can handle, so choose recipes within that size range. Breads with a higher ratio of whole wheat flour will be denser and not rise as high; however, these can still be made in the Hitachi bread machine. Experiment with recipes using milk, eggs and additional fat for richer bread, or use the mix-in cycle to add fruit, vegetables or nuts.


The dough cycle mixes the bread and takes it through the first rise. Once the dough cycle has completed, you can shape your bread dough, allow it to rise again, and bake as you prefer.

