The Rules for a Coloring Contest for Kids

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Appropriate coloring materials should be specified in the rules of a coloring contest.

Coloring contests are often sponsored by companies in order to get the entire family involved in a business or service. Coloring contests can increase exposure of a company and result in a mascot becoming well-known and easily recognized. When planning a coloring contest, appropriate rules should be established.


Personal Information

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Determine what personal information should be included with each entry form. Generally, coloring contests require the artist's name, age, address, phone number and, sometimes, email address.

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When creating a coloring contest, eligibility should be clear to potential artists. Decide on an age limit. Or, you may choose to have several age categories with a winner in each one. For example, some coloring contests award a winner in an "Under 6" category, a "7 to 10" category and an "11 to 13" category. Additionally, some companies prohibit children of employees from entering. Also state any location restrictions, for example, "Must be a resident of the United States."



A deadline must be included on the coloring contest entry form. Consider stating "Submissions must be received by..." to prevent entries from being mailed at the last minute. In this section, provide instructions for how entries should be sent. Consider allowing people to drop off entries, mail entries or scan and email them.



If the coloring contest is continuing for an extended period of time, consider placing restrictions on the number of entries that can be submitted per child. For example, allow only one entry per child or one entry per child per month. Additionally, place restrictions on the coloring materials used. Decide what materials you will allow, such as crayons, pencil crayons, markers, paints or pastels.

