Crafts to Make with Washcloths

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The joy of crafting is sometimes finding unexpected ways to use common items. Washcloths are one such item. Instead of simply giving a set of washcloths to someone for a housewarming party, baby shower or wedding, use the washcloths to create decorations or whimsical characters that will get your gift noticed. From a washcloth bride and groom, to a floral washcloth soap gift, to a washcloth fish, these creative ideas make gift-giving fun and your gifts memorable.


Bride and Groom

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If you are decorating for a wedding reception, these cute bride and groom washcloths make memorable centerpieces for each table. Buy two white washcloths; better quality cloths make nicer gifts. Lay one flat on a table. Roll each side of the cloth toward the middle until it resembles two rolls. Fold the top of the rolls to the bottom so that the rolls are inside the flat part of the cloth and the rolls are on the bottom, representing legs. Repeat these steps for the second cloth.

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On one cloth--the groom--tie an 8-inch piece of black ribbon (his "tie") about one third of the way down from the top. On the other cloth--the bride--tie a piece of ribbon in the wedding colors. Using wiggly eyeballs, give both the bride and groom eyes. Make sure any adhesive you use is removable and will not damage the washcloth. Attach mouths and noses to each cloth using self-sticking foam, which acts like felt and can be cut into shapes. For the bride, pin a small sprig of artificial flowers to her near where her arms would be. Tie another piece of ribbon around the "bouquet." A small piece of tulle or silk can be fashioned into a veil and pinned to the bride's head. Do not use glue that will damage the washcloths.


Floral Washcloth Soap

This good-smelling craft project requires two washcloths, one white and one in a color. Start with the white cloth. Lay it flat on a table and fold the left side about 1 inch over, toward the middle. Fold it over again, and one more time if needed, until the fold reaches the middle of the cloth. Repeat for the right side of the white washcloth. Repeat the folding steps for the colored cloth, but fold it until the cloth is about 1 inch narrower than the white cloth.


Place a bar of scented soap in the middle of the white washcloth, its long edges lined up with the left and right edges of the cloth, and fold the bottom of the white cloth to the top, encasing the soap. Lay the soap and white cloth on top of the colored cloth and repeat the same bottom-to-top fold. Just above the soap, tie a piece of ribbon, pulling tightly until the tops of the washcloths are gathered. Use real or artificial flowers to embellish the cloths and soap, tying or using hot glue to attach the flowers to the ribbon. Do not let the glue spill onto the washcloths, though, as it will damage them.


Washcloth Fish

Place a travel-size bar of soap in the center of a small white washcloth, and gather the washcloth around the soap until the soap is enclosed in a "pouch" of washcloth. Tie off the gathered part of the washcloth with a rubber band. The gathered part of the cloth is the fish's tail. On his face, create eyes and a mouth using self-stick foam. On both of his sides, use a crescent-moon-shaped piece of foam to make fins. Give the fish as a gift, or use it as is for washing.


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