"I Will Obey God" Crafts for Kids

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Crafting with kids helps them to remember the stories and concepts that they learn in church or Sunday school. Kids know they should obey God, but sometimes it is difficult for them to realize how they can obey God. Making crafts that reiterate the lesson gives kids the boost they need to remember and put obedience into practice.



Video of the Day

Make a chart with your kids of ways that they can obey God. You may want to print ideas of ways they can obey God and then cut those ideas into strips. Ideas can include such things as "Obey my parents" "Read my Bible" and "Pray every day." Come up with ideas that are age-appropriate. The children can then pick out four or five of the ideas and glue them onto another piece of paper. Each child then creates a chart with boxes that they can check off when they have obeyed. Encourage them to use the charts throughout the week and bring them back the following week.

Video of the Day

Ten Commandments

Teach the children to obey God by following the Ten Commandments. The kids can make tablets and write out the Ten Commandments. If your age kids are not old enough to write well enough to fit the Ten Commandments on the tablet, you may want to print sections that they can cut out and then paste to the tablets instead. Use gray construction paper or cardboard for the tablet sections. You want this to be a little bit heavier, if possible, so that it will last longer. Make larger tablets that you can hang up so the children are reminded to obey God.



Tell the kids that love is not just for Valentine's Day. Love is also one of the commandments that God gives them to obey. The Bible says the greatest command is to love God with all the heart, mind and soul. The second greatest commandment is to love their neighbors. Collect magazines and have the kids cut out pictures that show how they can obey God by loving him and by loving others. The kids can then cut out the pictures they find to create a collage.


Happy or Sad

Make a craft that can double as an activity as well. Prepare one happy and one sad face for each child. You will also need one craft stick for each child and enough glue to go around. The kids can color the faces and then glue them to the sticks. Only one face should be showing on each side of the craft stick. Once the kids have the faces glued to the sticks, ask them questions about obeying God. Have the kids show the appropriate face for what you are asking. For example, does obeying parents make God happy or sad? How does God feel when we do our chores without being asked? Explain to kids that obeying God makes him happy.

