Birthday Gift Ideas for a Boyfriend Turning 33

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Young men in their 30s may feel self-conscious about their age.

By age 33, many men are responsible and secure in their identities. While 33-year-olds are often more stable than young adults in their 20s, some may feel self-conscious about getting older. Thirty-three is still considered young, and the right gift can inspire your boyfriend, encourage him to take up a hobby and remind him that he still has much to look forward to.


Adventure Ideas

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A 33-year-old man may miss the adrenaline rushes of his younger days. For his birthday, treat him to an adventure such as a bungee jumping or rafting excursion, or an extended camping and hiking trip. If you can't go on a trip immediately, buy him some camping, hiking or kayaking gear to use for an upcoming weekend or his next vacation.

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Pampering Ideas

If your boyfriend is feeling out of shape, a bit of pampering will rejuvenate him and make him feel attractive. Treat your boyfriend to a massage, given by you or a professional, or a relaxing spa day. A grooming kit with aftershave, hair gel, hair and nail clippers may encourage him to look and feel his best.


Hobby Ideas

By age 33, many men are out of college and settled into a career and regular work schedule. Encourage your boyfriend to spend his free time wisely by picking up an old hobby. If he is in or used to be in a band, he may like a new musical instrument or repairs on an old one. If he enjoys working on his car or motorcycle, choose a nice set of tools with a lifetime warranty. If he likes to cook, get him some good quality kitchen gadgets to try.


Music Albums

If you'd like to give an age-specific gift, a new CD or record album is the way to go. Coincidentally, several music singles and albums feature the number 33. Some of the most notable include Elton John's "21 at 33," "Thirty Three & 1/3" by George Harrison and the Smashing Pumpkins single, "Thirty Three." If your boyfriend is a fan of any of these musicians, he will surely appreciate one of these albums.
