How to Make a Slimer Costume

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Slimer is the famous green ghoul from the Ghostbusters movie – a funny green character with no neck, many chins, two arms, no legs and a giant, rather disturbing grin. You can look for a Slimer costume and buy it or save money by making a great DIY Slimer costume at home. The best piece of advice for a DIY Slimer costume is to have a Slimer picture on hand when getting the supplies and while working.


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Making a Slimer Halloween Costume

Since Slimer is all slime without legs, you can either try to cover yours with matching tights (get a matching shirt too) or distract the attention from them with black tights. You can make the rest of the Slimer costume by creating a mold out of chicken wire and zip ties that goes down to your feet, creating a skeleton for a blobby shape that is about 1/3 head and 2/3 body. Then, this can be covered with a flexible foam that hardens when set or with a loosely wrapped sheet, leaving holes for the arms and legs.


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Additional Slimer Costume Considerations

Keep in mind that if you choose to use the sticky foam, you will have to wear gloves while working so that you can form it to resemble layers of fat. You will also need to leave holes for the eyes or make the form such that your face sticks out of the mouth so that you can see. The nose of the Slimer character is tiny and bulbous, the brow ridge is heavy and the mouth is large. Again, be sure to look at a picture of the character for inspiration.


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Slimer is a sickly pea-green color. Remember to cover the mouth portion of your costume if you are using foam. Then, you can spray paint the body once the foam has hardened without worrying about covering the mouth itself.


For the teeth of this green monster, you can cut pieces of dish sponges into tooth shapes, spray paint them and glue them into the mouth area. Make the tongue out of cardboard, spray paint it and glue it in next. You can make the eyes from a variety of different things, like cut-up plastic goggles or sliced ping pong balls that you've painted black.


Slimer Costume for Kids

If your little one has hopes of being Slimer, you might wish for something simpler that doesn't involve the use of wire so that kids can safely help. The skeleton of a child's Slimer costume can be made from a cut-up garage floor mat and pipe insulation foam and then put together with duct tape. You can attach a hat to the top to support Slimer's large head; this can also be attached with tape. At the top, two empty duct tape rolls can be taped on to create the eyes.


To fatten up Slimer's body, cut up some old pillows, put the filling in plastic bags and then fill in the skeleton. If you'd like, you can add more bits of this around the face to create high cheekbones and thick lips. Then, cover all this with a great deal of additional duct tape. Finally, the entire costume should be spray painted and allowed to dry.


To make this Ghostbusters Slimer costume more authentic, you can also mix up some homemade slime using flour, the same colored paint and modge podge. For best results, use store-bought modge podge, as it works best. You will end up with thick, slimy goo that can be applied to the dried costume. Slimer's gums can be made from moldable foam, which can be spray painted and hot glued onto the inside of the mouth. Use cut-up off-white or yellow sponges for teeth and hot glue them onto the gums.

