How to Make Color Liquid for Glass Bottles

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Things You'll Need

  • Bottle

  • Water or oil

  • Food coloring

Beatifully colored liquid in glass bottles can add color and vibrancy to any decor.

Colorful liquid in glass bottles and vases can make a beautiful focal piece to any design. These bottles of color can be displayed on book cases, counter tops and end tables. They can also be further decorated with things like silk flowers, colored marbles or beads.


Step 1

Choose a liquid to use. If the glass is in a precarious location, chose something less likely to stain, like water. For a thicker, more viscous appearance, use oil.

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Step 2

Add food coloring. Heat the water or oil in the microwave until it is warm and begin adding food coloring. For oil, add the food coloring one drop at a time and stir thoroughly before adding the next drop. Food coloring can be added faster in water, but be sure to pause frequently and stir to assess your color.

Step 3

Pour your colored liquid into your bottle. For small-mouthed bottles, use a funnel.

Step 4

Add other decorative elements. Marbles and stones in a complementary color can beautifully offset your colored liquid. For a bottle displayed in a kitchen, consider suspending things like plastic fruits, vegetables and herbs in the liquid to add visual interest and depth.


More food coloring creates a more intense color; food coloring can be mixed to create different shades. Open-mouthed bottles and vases will collect dust, so the liquid will have to be changed as sediment begins to accumulate.


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