How to Clean Up After Scabies in Dogs

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Things You'll Need

  • Scabies treatment for dogs

  • Dog clipper

  • Vacuum

  • HEPA filter

  • Washer and dryer

  • Plastic coverings

  • Bucket and mop

  • Hot water

  • Bleach or vinegar

  • Polyurethane caulking or steel wool

Cleaning your house after a scabies infestation includes thoroughly vacuuming furniture and drapes.

Scabies, or mange, is a skin disorder caused by a mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. The mites burrow into the dog's skin to lay eggs and can cause intense itching and allergic reactions. The mite is transferred from dog to dog, and your dog can easily contract scabies from another infected pet. The good news is that the scabies mite that infects dogs typically does not prefer human hosts, and most scabies infections in humans results from human to human transmission. Do as thorough a job as possible when cleaning up after you have rid the scabies from your dog.


Step 1

Clip the dog's coat short and bathe the dog with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo and apply a dip or topical treatments such as amitraz and selamectin. Apply scabies treatments to infected dogs consistently and according to directions until all signs of infection are gone.

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Step 2

Vacuum carpets, furniture, drapes and mattresses thoroughly and install a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to help prevent airborne allergens caused by mite particles. Mop floors twice daily with hot water and a cap full of bleach or vinegar.

Step 3

Apply gloves when handling laundry and infected bedding, and wash all materials in hot water that is at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 10 minutes and dry completely at high heat. Covering mattresses and upholstered furniture with plastic coverings can help prevent re-infestation of mites and reduce allergens produced by mites.


Step 4

Seal structural entry points in your house, such as gaps around the foundation, doors, windows and vents, with polyurethane caulking or simply by filling the gaps with steel wool. Maintaining a plant-free border around the foundation of your house will help to decrease mite populations.


Control the moisture level in your home to discourage mite re-infestation. Mites are subject to desiccation at less than 50 percent humidity. In high humidity areas such as the bathroom or basement, it may be helpful to use a dehumidifier.

Place non-washable materials such as shoes, coats and stuffed animals in plastic and isolate them in a warm area or place such items in a large freezer for 12 hours.

After vacuuming your mattress, flip it over before using it. If there are any mites still alive, they will not be as close to you and may die before they can burrow through the mattress.


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