How to Reduce Glare on Whiteboards

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Things You'll Need

  • White board

  • Flat white, off-white or gray spray paint

  • Matte spray varnish

  • Plastic sheeting

  • Protective eye wear

  • Respirator or mask

White board creates glare because of its color and glossy finish.

White board, also know as foam board and foam core, possesses naturally reflective qualities since the color white will bounce more light than any other color. The glossy outer layer also causes the glare from white board, reflecting even more light. You can take a few steps to diminish or eliminate the glare from white board.


Step 1

Paint the board with spray paint. Paint is best done outside while wearing protective eye wear and a respirator. Lay the white board over a large area of plastic sheeting, holding the can a couple of feet away, so to not cause any paint runs. Spray an even coat of paint over the entire face of the white board. Let it dry for about an hour. You can then spray on another coat if desired.

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Step 2

Change the color of the white board to decrease the glare. Using a flat spray paint in an off-white or light gray color will do the trick. Follow Step 1 and remember to spray paint outside if possible and wear protective eye wear and a breathing mask.

Step 3

Use an artist's matte spray varnish to decrease the glare of the white board while maintaining the original color. This process follows the same format as Step 1. Protective eye wear and a breathing mask are a necessity as well as doing the spraying outdoors if possible. Apply an even coat, keeping the can a couple of feet away and letting it dry before use.


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