How to Decoupage on Cardboard

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Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter

Recycle your remnant fabric and shoeboxes to create chic storage for a low cost -- this decoupage technique can be used on any cardboard or paper mache material.


Things You'll Need

  • Shoeboxes or kraft storage boxes

  • Fine-bristled paint brush

  • Decoupage

  • Cotton Fabric Remnants or Decorative Tissue Paper

  • Scissors

Video of the Day

Step 1: Cut workable pieces of fabric or paper to cover your cardboard surfaces

Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter

Step 2: Apply glue

Using a paint brush, apply a thin layer of decoupage over the entire surface. Stretch your material over the wet decoupage glue and, with the same brush, apply a second light coat of decoupage over the surface of the material to seal it. If using fabric, make sure to pull the sides taut to avoid bubbles and wrinkles and, if applying paper, use a straight edge to squeeze out air pockets and flatten the surface.

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter


Work outwards - starting from a corner - to keep the material smooth and avoid wrinkles or air bubbles.

Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter

Step 3: Make corners

For crisp edges, make a vertical cut in your fabric and overlap the fabric at the corners before sealing with decoupage.


Make a vertical cut at the corner
Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter
--and overlap before trimming and sealing
Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter

Step 4: Trim

Cut off any excess material and seal the loose edges with a bit of decoupage.



This project also works well with recycled book pages, magazine pages and burlap! Try mixing textures for eclectic storage options.

Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter

What other materials would you use for this project? Leave your ideas in the comments below. Happy crafting!


Image Credit: Lindsey Crafter
