Things You'll Need
Hand-sewing needle
1.5-inch-wide satin or grosgrain ribbon
Flat silk flowers (optional)
Wire cutter (optional)
Alligator clips (optional)
Hot-glue gun (optional)

The thrifty crafter often sees something new that can be done with something old. Instead of throwing away a pair of little girl's tights with a hole in the knee, consider using the fabric for a fashionable headband. Knee socks or nylon trouser socks also work well for a project such as this. Keep your new headbands simple or embellish them with silk flowers.
Step 1
Cut a length of clean tights or socks that is approximately 12 to 14 inches. Make sure there are no runs or holes in the length, and do not use the heels or toes.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Bring the cut ends of the tights or sock together and overlap them by ½ inch.
Step 3
Thread a needle with a 12-inch length of thread. Double the thread on the needle and tie the ends in a double knot.
Step 4
Stitch the ends of the tights or sock together, making numerous stitches through both layers of fabric to ensure they stay secure. Knot the thread but do not cut the thread yet.
Step 5
Cut a 2-inch length of ribbon.
Step 6
Wrap the ribbon around the tights or sock where you stitched them together to cover the spot where the ends meet. Overlap the ends of the ribbon on the underside of the headband by ½ inch.
Step 7
Use the needle and thread (still attached) to stitch the overlapped ribbon securely around the headband. Knot the thread when you finish stitching, and clip off excess thread with scissors.
Step 8
Select a flat silk flower with a diameter of at least 3 inches. Use a wire cutter to remove any stem. Glue the silk flower to the top of an alligator clip and slide the alligator clip over the ribbon you stitched to the headband to finish the headband.
Video of the Day