Most men's button-down shirts are designed to be a bit long so they stay tucked in. But when you want to wear shirts untucked for casual events, they can look unkempt and sloppy -- the perfect length for an untucked men's shirt is halfway between the belt and the bottom of the zipper. If you know how to sew a straight line, you can easily shorten your own shirts.

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Things You'll Need
Measuring tape
Washable marker
Sharp scissors
Iron and ironing board
Sewing machine with a universal 90/14 needle and thread

Step 1
Put on the shirt and use a pin to mark where you'd like the new hemline to fall. Take the shirt off.
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Step 2
To determine how much of the shirt to cut off, measure from the bottom of the hem to the pin. Subtract 1 1/4 inches from this measurement to allow for a hem. For example, if your new hemline is 4 inches from the bottom of the existing hem, then 4 - 1 1/4 = 2 3/4. You will mark 2 3/4 inches from the bottom of the shirt. Use a measuring tape and a washable marker to mark the cut line across the bottom of the shirt.

Step 3
Cut along the line you marked.

Step 4
Fold the raw edge 1/4 inch under toward the inside of the shirt and press with an iron.

Step 5
Use straight pins to pin the pressed edge in place.

Step 6
Use a 90/14 needle and a medium stitch length to sew along the pressed edge. Be sure to remove the pins as you sew.

Step 7
Now fold 1 inch under toward the inside of the shirt and press again with an iron.

Step 8
Pin the pressed edge in place.

Step 9
Sew along the previous stitch line to create the hem, removing the pins as you sew.

Now when you untuck your shirt for a more casual look, you will not only have comfortable access to your pockets, but you can show off your jeans without looking frumpy or disheveled.