How to Remove Wrinkles From a Wool Winter Coat

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Winter weather brings out warmer clothing that's more appropriate for the colder temperatures such as wool, leather and suede. Wool winter coats are fairly popular for this type of weather, but you also have to deal with maintaining the coat. One of the more common issues is removing wrinkles in the coat.


Things You'll Need

  • Padded coat hanger

  • Towel

  • Iron

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Step 1

Hang your coat up to dry on a padded coat hanger. Wool clothing tends to wrinkle fairly quickly, but it also retains its shape well. If you leave the coat alone for at least a day, the wrinkles should remove.

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Step 2

Hang the coat in your bathroom on the shower rod and turn the shower on high to steam up the room. Shut the door and let the steam remove any wrinkles in the fabric.

Step 3

Place the wool winter coat in a warm room if you're not planning on wearing the coat for a few days. Keep the coat away from heaters and other heat sources to prevent the risk of an accidental fire.

Step 4

Use an iron on the wool setting. If you're iron doesn't have a wool setting, then use the lowest heat possible. Run the iron across the coat, but only when it's completely dry. If you're in a hurry, then this is the best way to remove wrinkles.


You can also try hanging up your coat in the bathroom while you’re taking a shower.

Try turning the coat inside out before you use the iron method. The heat from the iron can damage wool fabrics, especially if you run over the same spot repeatedly.

Prevent wrinkles from appearing in your coat by avoiding water. If the coat becomes wet, or you wash it yourself, then immediately lay down a towel on a flat surface and lay your coat down on top of the towel. Wait until the coat is fully dry before you wear it again to prevent the wrinkles.


Don’t keep the coat sitting out for long periods of time unless you intend to use it. When not wearing the coat, keep it in an airtight container to reduce the chances of wrinkles and bug infestations.

