How to Repair Your Lace Wig

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Things You'll Need

  • Mild Soap And Water

  • Thin Needle and Nylon or Silk Thread

  • A Ventilation Needle And Holder

  • Bulk Human Hair

Your Lace Wig Can Live Again! This is how to repair your lace wig....

I bought my Lace Wig from a local store for $250.00 on sale and it was beautiful, that's until it began to lose a few hairs and a little tare appeared on the lace! Let's start by Shampooing and let your Lace Wig Air-dry. When dry you could hold the wig up to the light to see where you've lost the most hair. After you've located the thin spots braid the other areas out of the way. Now you can begin to build up the thin areas that have loss so much hair and repair any ripped areas! Here are a few simple tips on how to care for and repair your Lace Wig!


Step 1

To repair teirs use small stiches!!! It should be undetectable, No lumps or bumps!

Repair: Turn Your lace wig inside out, place on a manikin head. Take a small needle and some nylon thread to repair the tare. If you've lost a lot of netting you will have to make a patch to fill in the area. For this you can use, a similar net fabric that you can purchase from the fabric store. You can also cut a small piece of your neutral or flesh color pantyhose and sew it in just to fill in what you have lost now using tiny stitches sew it in place to replace what was lost and lock stitch it in with a few small knots and cut.

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Step 2

Pulling The Hair Through, Making a rug knot,...

Now start filling in the thin areas in the front on the lace wig: Using A Ventilation Needle and Holder, Use The Bulk Hair of like color follow the instruction link below to start adding the bulk hair one to no more than three strands of hair at a time. Making a Wig is just like making a Rug.


The First thing that you must do is: (If your right handed) Hold the needle in your right hand insert the needle through the hole and come back up through another hole.

Next, Grab the hair in your other hand and hold in a loop. Put the hair near the needle and with the hook pull the loop through just about 1/2 inch or less.


Then once the loop is through the hole then with the needle still in place slide the needle down and again with the hook go back and grab the ends of the hair by winding the needle around the hair a couple of times and pull it through the hole to secure!

Step 3

Ways To Knot The Hair Strands

REMEMBER: To Pull the hair through in the direction that you want the hair to fall in when your finished.


Now repeat this until you have the thickness you desire! Yes this will take you some time but once you learn how to do it you'll get faster and faster!
Remember to knot each strand after you pull it through! Your Lace Front Wigs and Lace Wigs will look as good as new or even better! Once you get the hang of it!


Look up other resources on Wig Ventilating and Wig Making on You Tube. Take your time, it's worth saving your wig! Ventilate in the direction you want the hair to flow in. If You don't think that you have the time to repair your lase wig yourself, you can sent your wig away to be repaired by a professional. Try to Google: wig repair, lace wig repair, local wig repair etc..


Be careful when working with needles! The Needles can break easily so be careful! Keep small items out of the reach of children!


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