How to Use a Doweling Jig

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Things You'll Need

  • Drill

  • Wood clamp

  • Masking tape

A wide-capacity economy jig.

A doweling jig helps you drill a straight hole in a precise location, as when you are doweling two or more pieces of wood together. It is also helpful if you simply need to drill a straight hole into a piece of wood. Doweling jigs are handy for many woodworking projects, including building face frames for cabinets and bookcases, or legs and foot rests for a bar stool.


Step 1

Butt the wood pieces together and clamp them so they do not move. Mark the wood where the dowels will be inserted with a pencil. The pencil mark should span the joint so both pieces of wood are marked in the same place, and the holes will line up when they are joined together with a dowel.


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Step 2

Remove the clamp from the wood. Place the doweling jig on the wood. Line the mark with the desired hole diameter by the mark on the wood.

Step 3

Place the drill bit into the drill and tighten the chuck around the drill bit. Place a piece of tape around the bit to mark the depth limit of the hole you are drilling (optional). Drill the hole. Remove the doweling jig.

Step 4

Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for each hole that needs to be drilled.


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