Although sending a wedding invitation by email isn't exactly traditional, it's a cheaper way of inviting guests thanks to zero postage or wedding stationery costs. If you would like to share the details, time and location of your wedding ceremony digitally, then email provides a quick and convenient option. Furthermore, you don't need to be a computer or design expert to do so.
Step 1
Open your email account, and click on the "compose new message" tab. For a simple, straightforward and fuss-free invite, type directly into the box provided. Copy the wording of a traditional invite if you would like to add a little formality to your message.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Highlight your text and change the fonts by clicking on the "fonts" tab. Make other changes to your wording by highlighting your text and clicking on the "B" for bold, "I" for italics or the drop-down number box to change the size of your font.
Step 3
Check that you have entered all of the relevant details, including the date, time, location and how to RSVP. If you have asked your guests to respond via email, create a separate folder in your account named "attending" and "not attending" to keep track of your responses. Click "create new folder," which usually is found below your existing folders.
Step 4
Create your invitation using a desktop publishing program if you prefer. A desktop publishing program, such as Word, will offer you more scope to add images and colors to your invite. Open your chosen program, click on "new" and "templates." Select an invitation template if there is one. Fill in the template, and save it to your desktop by clicking "save" and selecting your file location as "desktop." Give your invitation a file name such as "wedding invitation."
Step 5
Open your email folder and click on "attachments." Find your invitation under your desktop files and click on it to attach it to your email. Write a brief introduction message directing your recipients to the attached document.
Spell check your email and invitation before sending. Be prepared to send paper invitations to guests that don't regularly use the Internet or email.
When issuing a thank you to guests for wedding gifts, send a card through the mail to show appreciation for the amount spent for you on your special day.
Video of the Day