How to Sew an Oval Tablecloth

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Things You'll Need

  • Large sheet of paper

  • Transparent tape

  • Pencil

  • Straight pins

  • Scissors

  • Measuring tape

  • Fabric

  • Sewing machine

  • Thread

  • Iron

  • Ironing board

How to Sew an Oval Tablecloth. An oval table doesn't have to have a rectangular cloth on it just because you can't find an oval cloth. You can sew an oval tablecloth for your table with a little bit of preparation. And once you get a pattern for your table, you can easily make other tablecloths in no time.


Step 1

Tape large sheets of newspaper together that you'll use to form a template of your oval table. You can use old newspapers or wrapping paper for this.

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Step 2

Place the paper on the table. Center the paper on the oval table so that there is at least 12 inches for drop or overhang on the tablecloth. Mark the edge of the table on the paper with the pencil.

Step 3

Move the paper so you can now add the 12 inches of drop outside your table edges. You can use a measuring tape to help you keep the correct distance. Look at your pattern when you finish. Trim any edges that are not smooth.

Step 4

Set the fabric on a flat surface. Lay the pattern on top of the fabric. Pin it in place. Cut out the oval tablecloth.


Step 5

Fold the tablecloth in half to make sure both sides match. If not, trim so that the edges are identical.

Step 6

Sew ¼ inch from the edges all the way around the tablecloth. Press the hem to the inside along the stitching line. Turn under the hem once more. Pin it if necessary. Sew the hem in place. Place the oval tablecloth on your table and enjoy it.


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