How to Make a Farewell Scrapbook for a Co-Worker

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Things You'll Need

  • Blank scrapbook

  • Old magazines

  • Scissors

  • Glue stick

  • Stickers, glitter and other "flare"

  • Photos and words of encouragement gathered from the team

  • Objects reminiscent of the office or places near the office

Put together a scrapbook for a fellow employee.

A beer at the local happy hour might typically be enough to bid goodbye to someone leaving the company, but a special friend, a team leader or someone who has been at the company for ages deserves something memorable. A scrapbook is the perfect gift to capture funny memories, professional achievements and personalized words of encouragement from everyone on the team.


Step 1

Send out an email to everyone in the office and in the field explaining that you're creating a scrapbook for your departing co-worker. Make sure that your co-worker is not included in the email list so that it is a surprise. Ask everyone to submit funny, but office-appropriate, photos, words of encouragement or suggestions for items that should be included.

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Step 2

Create a scrapbook folder on your computer to keep all of the photos and messages organized in one place so that nothing is lost or forgotten.

Step 3

Create a word document to organize the goodbye messages if most of the goodbye messages you receive are in email format. Copy and paste each message onto the word document and make sure that all names are included.


Step 4

Gather items from around the office or job location that are particularly reminiscent of your departing co-worker's job or day-to-day routine. Take the name tag from her office mailbox, snap a picture of her cubical or desk while she's away and try to find tangible objects that will remind her of the office. Grab some chopsticks from the local, favorite sushi place. Dig up awards and other forms of recognition that your co-worker achieved over the years.


Step 5

Make sure that you have enough stuff to fill the scrapbook. You don't want blank pages. If you need more space, add additional pages.

Step 6

Start with a title page that lets your co-worker know that he will be missed. This page should include a group shot or a picture of the person at work.


Step 7

Print out the word document filled with the farewell messages and cut them into individual pieces. Print out the photos, too.

Step 8

Paste the messages, the photos and other "office scraps" that you've collected throughout the book. Use the stickers, glitter and magazine cutouts to add color and personalization.


Present the scrapbook to your co-worker at the farewell party.


Make sure that nothing inappropriate is added into the book. It's likely to be passed around during the farewell festivities. When you solicit material for the scrapbook, make sure that people know that it will be likely viewed by the group.


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