How to End Knitting an Infinity Scarf

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Things You'll Need

  • 380 yards of worsted-weight yarn, approximate

  • Size 7 (or size indicated on ball band) knitting needles

  • Darning Needle

An infinity scarf can be wrapped around the neck, head or arms.

Infinity scarves are quickly gaining in popularity because of the many ways in which they can be wrapped and twisted around the neck, or even draped around the arms. Knitting an infinity scarf is an easy enough project for a beginner knitter.


Step 1

Knit your scarf until it reaches the desired length. An infinity scarf is usually 60 to 90 inches long.

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Step 2

Bind off all stitches. Binding off is accomplished by knitting two stitches and slipping the first stitch, worked over the second stitch and off the needle, then knitting one more stitch and slipping the second stitch over the third. Do this until there are no more stitches left on the needle. Cut the yarn and draw it through the last stitch.

Step 3

Fold your scarf in half with the right sides together. Line up the cast-on edge with the cast-off edge. Thread your darning needle with yarn. Neatly sew the ends together and weave in any loose yarn ends. The scarf is now a complete circle and ready to wear.


Use matching embroidery thread to sew the ends of your scarf together, if you used a very bulky or textured yarn.


Lie the scarf flat before sewing the ends together, to avoid twisting.


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