How to Repair Snagged Satin

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Satin is a combination of materials, including silk and rayon.

Snagging a satin dress on a chair, or catching your new satin sheets on a floor board, may result in a snag in the fabric. You will know when this happens because the fabric will gather slightly, similar to rouching, and one or two threads will protrude from the material. If this is the case, do not fret; it's possible to repair the snag in minimal time. The trick is catching the snag early, before it has time to spread. Though you can try to repair the snag with your hands, you may need to use a needle and thread.


Things You'll Need

  • Needle

  • Fuzzy thread

  • Steamer

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Step 1

Remove the garment, if possible, to view the snag. The thread from the snag will either be hanging inward or outward. Don't pull on the thread; this may cause the snag to open a hole or cause another snag in the fabric.

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Step 2

Grasp the material on either side of the snag and pull outward. As the fabric tightens, the snag will retract into the fabric and pull back together if it is small enough. Larger snags may become smaller but will need additional care.

Step 3

String a needle with a piece of fuzzy thread to pull through the snag. You can use any type of thread, but fuzzy thread will grasp the fibers of the satin string to help pull it through.

Step 4

Insert the needle from the exterior of the fabric and push through to the interior side of the fabric. As the needle moves through the fabric, the fuzzy thread will grasp the loose thread and pull it through. Repeat the process until the string is on the interior of the fabric.

Step 5

Hold the steamer five to 10 inches from the satin material and wave it back and forth. The steam will seal the snag and hold it in place.


Avoid holding the steamer too close so that it drips onto the dress; this may cause water stains.

Use a needle size that is no larger than the hole made by the snag.

Snags that create a hole may need to be repaired by a professional tailor.

