How to Make a Canopy for a Wagon

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Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape

  • PVC pipe

  • Saw (optional)

  • Three-way PVC connectors - 4

  • Canvas

  • Sewing machine or needle & thread

  • Pipe wall brackets - 4

Wagons come in all sizes and are handy for carrying vegetables or fruits to roadside stands, bringing small children on walks or transporting injured animals to veterinary offices or barns. Whether the weather is hot and sunny or rainy, a canopy can make your wagon more comfortable for human or animal passengers. Wagons also keep plants and produce from wilting or spoiling in direct sunlight. A customized canopy fits your wagon's size and needs.


Creating the Frame

Step 1

Measure the length and width of the inside of your wagon box, and note these numbers. Additionally, determine how tall you want your canopy to be. Measure the height of your wagon box and add this number to the height of the canopy above the wagon box.

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Step 2

Cut four pieces of PVC pipe at the desired height of your canopy to create the posts that will hold the canopy up. Also, cut two pieces to the length and two pieces to the width of your wagon to make the frame for the canopy. Consider the space inside your wagon when choosing PVC pipe. For example, a canopy for a child's wagon can be made with 1-inch pipe to avoid taking up too much room in the wagon box.


Step 3

Use three-way connectors to attach the PVC pipes you cut to the length and width of the wagon, creating a rectangle shape the same size as the wagon box. Insert the PVC posts into the third hole of the connectors to create a box shape that will stand up inside the wagon.

Sewing the Canopy

Step 1

Add two inches to both the length and width measurements of your wagon box and frame, and cut a piece of canvas to this size. Sew a 1-inch hem around all four sides. If desired, cut four strips of canvas about 5 or 6 inches wide and sew these to the edges of the larger piece to create a flap for the canopy.


Step 2

Measure and cut two strips of canvas that are about 4 inches shorter than the length of your canopy frame. The width of the strips will depend on the size of your PVC pipes and should be the half-circumference of the pipe plus two inches. For example, a 2-inch pipe has a full circumference of just over three inches. Half the circumference plus two inches is three and a half inches.


Step 3

Fold one canvas strip over by a 1/2-inch and sew the fold to the edge of the large piece of canvas. Fold the other side of the strip over by 1/2-inch and sew to the canvas as well, leaving enough slack for the PVC pipe to fit through the space between, creating a kind of tube. Repeat this process on the opposite side, and on the two remaining sides, if desired.


Step 4

Disassemble the PVC frame, slide the pipes through the canvas tubes, and re-assemble to create the canopy. Attach the posts of the canopy to the inside of the wagon box using pipe wall brackets in each corner.


The formula for circumference of a circle is pi (3.14) times the radius squared.


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