Things You'll Need
2 foam balls
4 pipe cleaners
Plastic headband

Whether you are dressing up as a bumblebee, a ladybug or a praying mantis, details like an antennae headband increase the cuteness and authenticity of any bug costume. Make your own from inexpensive craft supplies to save money, exercise your creativity and add a personal touch.
Step 1
Choose acrylic, non-toxic craft paint in a color that matches your bug costume. Use the paintbrush to apply paint to two foam balls until no white remains exposed. Allow the paint to dry.
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Step 2
Use the tip of the scissors to drill a narrow hole that is 1/2 inch deep in each foam ball.
Step 3
Twist the pipe cleaners together in sets of two and bend them in half. Use black pipe cleaners, or use a color that compliments the rest of the costume.
Step 4
Place a dab of glue in the holes inside each foam ball. Insert the bent end of a set of twisted pipe cleaners into each hole. Allow the glue to dry.
Step 5
Wrap the ends of the pipe cleaners around the headband. Leave about 2 inches between each antenna and adjust them so that they stick straight up and are not cockeyed. Use a clear plastic headband so that the antennas appear to be freestanding.
Conduct this craft on a flat work surface covered in newspaper to avoid spilling paint or glue on furniture. You can purchase all of the items needed to complete this project at most craft stores. If you do not have a headband, tie a ribbon around your head and attach the pipe cleaners to this instead.
If the headband or ribbon slides out of place on your head, secure it with hair clips.
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