Oh no! You've snagged your favorite sweater, and now there's a rip! What do you do? Do you have to give it away or – even worse – throw it away? Nope. We're here to show you that fixing a hole or a rip in a sweater doesn't have to be as intimidating as it sounds. You can save that sweater and wear it for years to come with this simple trick. All you need is a needle, some coordinating thread and a couple of minutes to make that sweater good as new again.

Video of the Day
Step 1
Thread a needle with thread that matches your sweater. Knot the end of the thread.
Use coordinating thread to conceal the stitches. Contrasting thread was used here for demonstration purposes.

Step 2
Run the needle and thread up through a sweater stitch at the bottom of the rip. Tuck the knot inside so it's not visible.

Step 3
Bring the needle and thread across the rip to the other side and run it up through a sweater stitch on that side. Pull the thread gently so it lays flat across the rip. Don't pull the thread too tightly; you should be able to see it across the rip.

Step 4
Continue bringing the needle and thread back and forth across the rip and through a sweater stitch. Pull the thread gently.

Step 5
When you get to the end of the rip, pull gently on the thread until the stitches disappear into the sweater.

Step 6
Attach the thread to the end by tying a knot and then snip off the extra thread.
Your sweater is as good as new!