How to Make a Large Pot Holder Hot Pad

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Give your culinary creation the presentation it deserves. Whether you love to bake or whip up the perfect cold weather hot dish, you can create a feast for your eyes as well as your stomach when you place your delicious hot casserole on this large hot pad that you made yourself. These large pot holders not only protect your table or countertop, but they'll look good doing it.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Things You'll Need

  • 13-inch by 9-inch fabric piece for the top

  • 16-inch by 12-inch fabric piece for the bottom

  • 2 13-inch by 9-inch pieces of fusible batting

  • Straight edge

  • Disappearing ink pen

  • Wonder clips (or paper clips or pins)

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 1

Place the wrong side of the top layer and the fusible side of the batting together and press with a hot iron to join the two layers.

Video of the Day

Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 2

Place the fusible side of the second piece of batting and the first piece of batting together and press with a hot iron to join these layers together.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington


If you don't have fusible batting, you could use quilt basting spray to join the layers together.

Step 3

Center the wrong side of the top layer onto the wrong side of the bottom layer. Pin in place or use basting spray to keep it centered while you sew.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 4

Use a straight edge ruler to mark a rectangle that is 1 inch in from the edge of the top layer and another rectangle that is 2-inches in from the edge of the top layer.



Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 5

Sew along both lines to attach all of the layers.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 6

Start on the long side and iron the bottom fabric in half toward the center to create the binding.



Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 7

Clip the top 1 1/2-inch by 3/4-inch rectangle out at the corner to reduce bulk. Then turn so the cut corner is at the top right.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 8

Fold the binding over the raw edge of the top fabric and use a wonder clip to hold it in place.

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 9

Create a triangle by folding the top corner toward the raw edge of the top fabric.

Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 10

Fold the side in toward the raw edge of the top fabric over the triangle and press. Use wonder clips along the entire edge to hold in place. Continue to clip, fold and press each corner and side.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

Step 11

Sew the binding around the entire hot pad.

Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington

You can make a large hot pad for yourself or design some for the perfect wedding shower or Mother's Day gift.


Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
Image Credit: Beth Huntington
