Regal Kitchen Pro Bread Maker Instructions

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Regal Ware first introduced the bread machine to the public in 1985. The Regal Kitchen Pro bread maker was introduced in the mid 1990s and Regal Ware stopped production of the machine in the late 1990s. Today, Regal Kitchen Pro bread makers can still be found at thrift stores, yard sales and both offline and online auctions. Unfortunately, the manual is often missing, but the instructions are simple.


Basic Setup

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Set your bread maker in an area that has at least 4 inches of clearance on all sides. Because the electric cord is rather short, this area needs to be near an electric outlet. Remove the bread pan from the bread maker and wash it in hot, soapy water before first use. Use a pastry brush to remove and brush away any crumbs or reside around the drive shaft in the bottom of the machine.

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General Instructions

Remove the cover of the machine and remove the bread pan. Place the kneading blade over the drive shaft, making sure that there are no crumbs or other debris on the shaft or bottom of the machine. All ingredients used in the bread maker should be at room temperature, and should be placed in the bread pan in the order listed in the recipe. Liquids and wet ingredients, such as butter or shortening, are always placed in the pan first. Do not exceed 4 to 4 1/2 cups of dry ingredients, as the bread could over-rise and cause the machine to malfunction. Add the yeast last.


Basic White Bread

Add 1 1/2 cups of water to the bread pan, followed by 2 tbsp. of butter. In a large mixing bowl, combine 4 cups of white bread flour, 3 tbsp. of sugar, 2 tsp. of salt and 2 tbsp. of dry milk powder. Stir together to mix. Add the dry ingredients to the bread pan. Add in 2 tbsp. of active dry yeast. Close the lid. Use the select button on the machine to choose "1P" for basic bread. Turn the machine on. When the full cycle is complete, you will have a loaf of fresh white bread.


After Baking

Turn the machine off and lift the lid. Use hot pads to remove the bread pan from the machine. Hold the pan upside down, using hot pads or oven mitts, and gently shake the bread from the pan. Cool on a wire rack.


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