Cream Cheese Pinwheel Recipe

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Cream cheese pinwheels with turkey, cheese and lettuce.

Pinwheels can be prepared in a variety of styles; Italian, ham and cheese, spicy, cream cheese or other various ways. When making cream cheese pinwheels, you can include additional ingredients according to your taste. Pinwheels are often enjoyed during parties and social gatherings, and they are wonderful to look at. These small appetizers are surprisingly easy to make. Here is a recipe for cream cheese pinwheels.



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To make this popular appetizer, you will need: 4 large flour tortillas, 1 8-oz. package of cream cheese, 3 tsp. of chopped onion, 3 tsp. of chopped green pepper, 3 tsp. chopped parsley, 3 tsp. chopped black olives, 1 tbsp. of mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. of Italian dressing and enough thinly sliced deli meat--ham, turkey, or another kind--to cover the tortillas.

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Mix the cream cheese, green pepper, onion, parsley, olives, mayonnaise and Italian dressing together. Lay out the tortillas. Spread the mixture over the tortillas evenly. Lay the deli meat on top of the cream cheese mixture. Roll the tortilla up tightly. Refrigerate for one hour. Using a sharp knife, slice the tortillas into slices about 1/4 inch thick. You may serve these immediately, or you can refrigerate them for later. Leftovers should be refrigerated.


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