10 Secrets of a Pastry Chef

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Even the best home bakers can use a little coaching. Before suiting up with an apron and oven mitts, take note of pastry chef Heather Bertinetti's favorite tricks and time-saving techniques -- so you too can be an expert as you head into the baking season.

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They Work a Rolling Pin Like a Pro

With a deft sprinkle of flour and an expert flick of her wrist, Heather can roll out a perfect pie crust in two seconds flat. Grab your rolling pin and follow her tips on how to get your dough safely and securely into the pan. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Quick Tip: Rolling out a Pie Crust in HD

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They Make Whipped Cream From Scratch

Cross "Cool Whip" off your grocery list -- this year you're starting from scratch. Heather shows how a few minutes with a mixer pays off when you top off your pies with fresh dollops of homemade whipped cream. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Whipped Cream Made Easy in HD

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They Decorate with Quick Icing

An easy topper to everything from sugar cookies to cupcakes, Heather's royal icing recipe comes together in seconds -- leaving you more time to whip out the food coloring and contemplate your artistic creations. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Quick & Easy Royal Icing in HD

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They Melt Chocolate on a Double Boiler

If you've ever attempted to melt chocolate, you know there's a fine line between viscous goodness and burnt sugar. Equipped with her double boiler and useful tips, Heather guides you to a perfectly velvety texture. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Quick Tip: How to Melt Chocolate in HD

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They Use Fresh Vanilla Beans

Though natural vanilla bean pods are pricy in comparison to vanilla extract, their rich flavor makes the added expenditure well worth the occasional splurge. Heather demonstrates the proper way to open them and maximize their value. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Quick Tip: Using Vanilla Beans in HD

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They Separate Eggs in Seconds

Making meringue or macaroons? Separating the yolks from the whites is easy, once you know the proper technique. Say goodbye to any separation anxiety, and add this quick tip to your cooking repertoire. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Quick Tip: How to Separate Eggs in HD

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They Zest Citrus With a Microplane

Whether you're making lemon soufflé or you're adding some essence of orange to your cranberry muffins, citrus zest is a little ingredient that goes a long way. Heather shows the best way to zest so you get the good stuff and none of the bitter pith. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Quick Tip: How to Zest Citrus in HD

Pitcher and glass of milk
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They Know Buttermilk Substitutes

Before running next door to borrowing your neighbor's buttermilk, check your fridge again to see if you have milk and lemons. If you do, Heather shows you how to whip up a quick substitute so you can have buttermilk pancakes, biscuits or cupcakes without a trip to the store. - in association with Rachael Ray

Related: Watch Quick Tip: Make Your Own Buttermilk in HD

Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images


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