Third graders are still at an age when they enjoy Halloween fun without irony and will therefore enjoy a good classroom party. However, it takes more than candy and costumes to make a third-grade Halloween party a success. A good party needs games and Halloween activities that are fun and engaging with spooky holiday themes. Some Halloween party games can be educational, while others are just for fun.
Fun with food for Tragic Sam
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This is a classic identification game with a fun Halloween theme. It's organized around Tragic Sam, a fictional character. The back story can be as simple or elaborate as the storyteller wishes, but the bottom line is that Tragic Sam's body parts have been recovered, and it is up to the players to determine which parts they are.
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Place different food items in containers and ask each player to feel the "body parts" without peeking and make their guesses. Use your imagination to find different foods that can be used for body parts. For example, Sam's brains can be cold spaghetti noodles or cauliflower, eyeballs might be peeled grapes, teeth can be uncooked popcorn kernels and poor Sam's heart might turn out to be a peeled tomato.
A Halloween candy guessing jar

This is a classic Halloween game that should be started at the beginning of class festivities. Fill a large, clear jar with small candies, such as candy corn, M&Ms, jelly beans or other candy treats. Be sure to count the number of candies as you add them to the jar.
As a fun Halloween contest, each student gets to guess how many candies are in the jar. Ask everyone to write their guess on a slip of paper at the beginning of the Halloween party and reveal the correct answer at the end. The person who guesses the closest number wins a prize — usually, it's the jar full of Halloween treats.
A wrap-the-mummy race

For this Halloween party idea, divide class members into small teams. Provide each team with a roll of toilet tissue. One team member is the designated mummy. The object of the game is to be the first team to wrap its mummy from head to toe using the entire roll of toilet paper. The mummies can wear their toilet-paper Halloween costumes for the rest of the party.
Halloween-themed word games

Most classrooms are equipped with a blackboard or dry-erase board. You can use that or alternatively create some printables for Halloween-themed word games.
Organize a game of hangman in which the mystery word or phrase is Halloween related, such as trick-or-treating, skeleton, jack o' lantern, spider web or happy Halloween. Another idea is to write a Halloween-themed word or phrase on the board and give the students an allotted amount of time in which to create as many new words as possible using the letters of the phrase.
Eyeball relay for third-grade teams

This game puts a scary spin on the classic egg-and-spoon relay race. Divide the class into teams. The first person on each team walks a course with a plastic eyeball (or painted ping-pong ball) balanced on a spoon. They need to pass the spoon to the next person on the team without dropping the eyeball and continue in that manner. The first team to have each player complete the course wins this fun game.