Bugs That Are Attracted to House Light in the Summer

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Bugs are often attracted to porch lights in the summertime.

People are typically outdoors more in the summertime and may notice bugs swarming near their porch lights. A variety of insects are attracted to light and often find their way indoors when the door or window is opened. While bugs are here to stay, there are some steps you can take to keep the pests outdoors where they belong.



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Cockroaches are common household pests that are attracted to light. German cockroaches, brownbanded cockroaches, American cockroaches and Turkestan cockroaches all hang out near house lights and may end up inside our homes. Once inside, roaches infest kitchens and bathrooms, and some even feed on fabric. Some species of cockroaches, such as the German cockroach, carry diseases on their bodies that can be transmitted to humans. Most species of cockroaches are brown or black and measure up to 1 inch in length. Many cockroaches can fly when disturbed, making them a highly mobile pest.

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Conenose Bugs

Conenose bugs are more commonly known as kissing bugs, and are members of the Triatoma species. Assassin bugs and Mexican bed bugs are also members of the same family. A bite from conenose bugs can cause some people to have a life-threatening allergic reaction. These bugs fly at night and are attracted to porch lights, according to the University of Arizona. Conenose bugs are 1/2 to 1 inch in length, flat and dark brown with an elongated head shape, for which they were named.


Midge Flies

Midge flies are non-biting insects that are also known as blind mosquitoes. These pests are drawn to areas of water and often swarm in large numbers around porch lights and carport lights. Adult midge flies are slender, black flies that mate in swarms. Midge flies have a short lifecycle, only three to five days. These flies are most abundant near large bodies of water and areas of manmade inland water.



If you have bugs swarming around your porch lights in the summertime, you can remove your white bulb and replace it with a yellow bug light. Because insects are most attracted to white light bulbs, changing to yellow bulbs can reduce the number of insects swarming around your home. If you can, use only landscape lighting along your walkways and porch. Keep your porch lights and outside lights off and turn them on only when needed; this may reduce insects around your home. Keep your yard free of plant debris to prevent insects from breeding in weedy areas. Do not allow piles of wood to remain on or near your porch, as this gives bugs a hiding place.

